Nanozen DustCount 9000
Nanozen DustCount 9000
Nanozen DustCount 9000
Nanozen DustCount 9000
Nanozen DustCount 9000
Nanozen DustCount 9000

Nanozen DustCount 9000

SKU: AD-MNT-1750

The DustCount 9000 is our very popular lightweight, direct-reading Optical Particle Counter. It is available in both Intrinsic Safe and non-IS versions. The 9000 combines the advantages of real-time dust monitoring with a built-in filter cassette for sample composition analysis and HSE 4.0 networking for effective efficient dust monitoring. The 9000 supports interchangeable impactors for PM 2.5, PM 4, and PM 10.

DustCount 9000 Product Overview

Real-time personal dust sampling for silica, coal, metal or wood dust
Compact size, light weight and no cyclone encourages workers to wear it

Optical Particle Counting laser technology rarely requires re-calibration

Can be customized for special pure dust types such as coal and pharmaceuticals

Automated operation reduces the effort for the Hygienist & safety staff

Full range of detection & alarms allows one instrument to handle the job

Rugged design and certified Intrinsic-Safe (optional) allows it to be used in harsh areas

Familiar built-in standard 25 mm filter in cassette for touchless post analysis

Wireless control and data management for field work and HSE 4.0

Included PC/MAC software to control the device and analyse/graph data

App for Android smartphone or tablet allows in-field analysis and control

Offers many features to allow automation of sampling and real-time networking of results

DustCount 9000 Features

Weighs 1 lb (.5kg), 4 x 5 inches clips on belt or in vest pocket
Minimum 12-hour battery life, special shift monitoring mode

On-board memory for 6+ months worth of data.

USB cable or Bluetooth wireless interfaces to PC/MAC or field device.

Self-adjusting air flow rate, no user action required

1L/min flow rate with +/- 5% accuracy

PM 2.5 environmental, PM 4 respirable, and PM 10 impactors

Settable detection and alarms for PEL, STEL, and TWA monitoring.

Maintenance alerts for battery, pump, filter, and impactor

Audible and visual alarms for worker exposure mitigation.

Data output in CSV files for NA and European formats, or Excel format.

Current stock is (UL/CSA, CE Mark approved, not intrinsic safe). All future stock will be intrinsically safe - call 0800 980 0105 for more details)

DustCount 9000 Sample Filter

Built-in cassette with a removable standard PTFE or PVC 25 mm filter.
Cassettes can be pre-loaded, pre-weighed and analysed by accredited labs

Filters can be selected for gravimetric analysis, or composition analysis.

Filters can be analysed using portable FTIR for silica content.

User can enter gravimetric coefficient information from filter analysis

Dust can be analysed and selectable dust types can be imbedded in the unit

Nanozen Desktop Software

Allows the user to connect to and control up to 128 DustCount units
Configure the DustCount date, time, mode of operation, sample frequency

Set the alarm thresholds for PEL, STEL, and TWA

Set the start and stop times for sampling with shift management mode

Enter a gravimetric or dust related co-efficient for increased accuracy

Has a dashboard to monitor operational status, sample values, and alarm status

Download and save data to either .csv or native Excel format one sample per line

Generate and save graphs for mass concentration and particle size distribution data in .png format

Download and graph mass concentration and particle size distribution data in real-time

Observe PEL, STEL, and TWA in real-time graphs

More Info More Info


The DustCount 9000 is our very popular lightweight, direct-reading Optical Particle Counter. It is available in both Intrinsic Safe and non-IS versions. The 9000 combines the advantages of real-time dust monitoring with a built-in filter cassette for sample composition analysis and HSE 4.0 networking for effective efficient dust monitoring. The 9000 supports interchangeable impactors for PM 2.5, PM 4, and PM 10.

DustCount 9000 Product Overview

  • Real-time personal dust sampling for silica, coal, metal or wood dust
  • Compact size, light weight and no cyclone encourages workers to wear it
  • Optical Particle Counting laser technology rarely requires re-calibration
  • Can be customized for special pure dust types such as coal and pharmaceuticals
  • Automated operation reduces the effort for the Hygienist & safety staff
  • Full range of detection & alarms allows one instrument to handle the job
  • Rugged design and certified Intrinsic-Safe (optional) allows it to be used in harsh areas
  • Familiar built-in standard 25 mm filter in cassette for touchless post analysis
  • Wireless control and data management for field work and HSE 4.0
  • Included PC/MAC software to control the device and analyse/graph data
  • App for Android smartphone or tablet allows in-field analysis and control
  • Offers many features to allow automation of sampling and real-time networking of results

DustCount 9000 Features

  • Weighs 1 lb (.5kg), 4 x 5 inches clips on belt or in vest pocket
  • Minimum 12-hour battery life, special shift monitoring mode
  • On-board memory for 6+ months worth of data.
  • USB cable or Bluetooth wireless interfaces to PC/MAC or field device.
  • Self-adjusting air flow rate, no user action required
  • 1L/min flow rate with +/- 5% accuracy
  • PM 2.5 environmental, PM 4 respirable, and PM 10 impactors
  • Settable detection and alarms for PEL, STEL, and TWA monitoring.
  • Maintenance alerts for battery, pump, filter, and impactor
  • Audible and visual alarms for worker exposure mitigation.
  • Data output in CSV files for NA and European formats, or Excel format.
  • Current stock is (UL/CSA, CE Mark approved, not intrinsic safe). All future stock will be intrinsically safe - call 0800 980 0105 for more details)

DustCount 9000 Sample Filter

  • Built-in cassette with a removable standard PTFE or PVC 25 mm filter.
  • Cassettes can be pre-loaded, pre-weighed and analysed by accredited labs
  • Filters can be selected for gravimetric analysis, or composition analysis.
  • Filters can be analysed using portable FTIR for silica content.
  • User can enter gravimetric coefficient information from filter analysis
  • Dust can be analysed and selectable dust types can be imbedded in the unit

Nanozen Desktop Software

  • Allows the user to connect to and control up to 128 DustCount units
  • Configure the DustCount date, time, mode of operation, sample frequency
  • Set the alarm thresholds for PEL, STEL, and TWA
  • Set the start and stop times for sampling with shift management mode
  • Enter a gravimetric or dust related co-efficient for increased accuracy
  • Has a dashboard to monitor operational status, sample values, and alarm status
  • Download and save data to either .csv or native Excel format one sample per line
  • Generate and save graphs for mass concentration and particle size distribution data in .png format
  • Download and graph mass concentration and particle size distribution data in real-time
  • Observe PEL, STEL, and TWA in real-time graphs

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